Nuestro blog de 5º y 6º


INGLÉS 5º y 6º


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 Pincha sobre estos enlaces  para aprender más vocabulario  en inglés:

pasapalabra inglés


Remember those funny games with a piece of rope, or a Stone, or a box?

Let´s get creative with CAT´S CRADLE

Please join us in creating The Witches ´Broom, The Tea Cup and so many other memorable figures

Music is a great way to learn a language: it gives you rhythm, intonation, vocabulary, happiness…

During our classes we encourage learning songs, and sharing with our families. It will create wonderful opportunities to get to know each other better. Why not tell our kids what music we used to listen to when we were their age? Why not try and learn about their tastes?

Come on! Don’t be shy and Karaoke with us!










As a part of our classes we are watching HOW IT´S MADE?, a fantastic TV series that demonstrate under 5 minutes how things are made.

And now that winter sports are so on, let´s watch


Enjoy it!




Click on the image to learn more about halloween


Merry Christmas

Rudolph's song. Click here

Click here


Comparatives – Interactive Grammar Games


Space and Solar System ESL Vocabulary Game – Moonshot Game:

In this game, you will practice vocabulary related to space, our solar system, planets and more. Also learn to use comparatives and superlatives when talking about planets. This is an excellent game for practicing vocabulary and grammar related to talking about our solar system and the planets therein. It is good for upper elementary of pre-intermediate level learners. Students will practice words like : Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Mercury and more. They will practice comparatives and superlatives – big – bigger – biggest, large – larger – largest, near – nearer – nearest, far, farther, the farthest and more. This game will help students reinforce what they’ve learned in this area. The game can be played in single mode or team mode.


This game is a simplified version of ‘Monopoly’. If a team lands on a space that has not been bought, they can buy the space if they can make a correct sentence about the picture. If another team lands on their space then they have to pay the owner rent. They can get a 50% discount on rent if they can make a correct sentence. They can also get sent to jail or win or lose money when they land on a ‘chance’ square.

Monopolly (Inglés)

El verbo » To BE»

Los pronombres personales en inglés:

Los artículos en inglés:

